Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Empty & Beautiful: Shine Like the Son

My missionary heart LOVES this song. :) Seriously, it fills me with joy. Perhaps because it brings to mind my friends involved in full time mission work, those I know working in the darkness of America's inner cities, people flung across the globe to joyfully proclaim good news to the poor, those working with young people to give them hope, and people whose hidden lives of prayer, sacrifice and SATISFACTION in Jesus Christ make their lives radiant.

here is my friend KT, a missionary in Venezuela. This song makes me think of her the most.

I love all of Isaiah but I really love Matt's decision to wed the scripture of beautiful hands and feet with the great commission- in my mind there is a flow of something like the beauty of the apostles feet even though they didn't even take sandals, the beauty of Mother Theresa's gnarled hands, the beauty of the light in someone's eyes when they really understand their freedom from captivity, the unglamorous and abundantly joyful lives of those who give everything they have to the Gospel.

Well, I could gush about all the lyrics. I like the celebration of the BEAUTY of being in love with... someone so much greater than themselves. I like the discussion of equipping in the second verse; we will never be ready to be missional on our own. This is on ongoing discussion in my life, definitely, a classroom, more scripture study, even more prayer cannot totally prepare you for hitting the pavement, the dirt road, the airport terminal and starting to genuinely share the truth of God's rescue with people. Only God can give us words and the Spirit to make those words fruitful.

Also, anything remotely quoting Isaiah 61 is automatically awesome in my book. I love not just the emphasis in the last verse on FREEDOM but on freedom coming through the WORD- which in my mind is not just the living and effective word of scripture but the living and effective WORD made flesh who dwells among us and in us.

Finally, this song is best listened to LOUD. :) And I love the little pause at the end and fill of...violin? It almost makes me giggle because I just think it's a bit of pure fun and I could even go on and say how that little musical arrangement within the greater context of the song could be seen as a clever mimic of the Christian walk. But I'll spare you.

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